Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ungu itu bukan janda tau!

Let's wear purple!, begitulah yang tertulis di
uu Pas gw baca seneeng bgt. Walo feature yahoo nya tuh lg "What happens when we die?".
Ckckck gw merinding seketika dan gw langsung mengklik artikel ungu2 itu.

Gw mulai mencoba menggerakkan pointer ke pic bapak-bapak make swimming suit tp yg untuk diving. Tertulis; Pioneers of Purple. They live purple. They ride the big waves, empower people across the globe and set trends instead of following them.

Trs gw gerakin pointer gw ke pic orang-orang lagi main musik. Tertulis; Purple Prank. Check out the spontaneous Purple Happening caught on film. Directed by New York comedian Charlie Todd.

Trs lagi ke pic yg d edit keungu2an gt. Purple Picks, judulnya. Our editors highlight the people, trends, companies that exemplify life in the purple lane.

Pic orang lagi loncat. Celebrate Purple. Why purple? It's unique. Powerful. Creative. And it's charmingly eccentric=just how we like it. Go ahead=discover purple.

Pic spokat. Wear Purple. Purple is the IN colour this season=and for us, every season. Check out our new, limited edition Purple gear. Available for purchase now.

and yang terakhir gambar sepedah. Purple Pedals. Bikes+ Flickr + GPS + Purple. Roll with this new social experiment as global bikers document their world=every 60 seconds.

Nahh kan.
Kebayang ga ssih dasyatnya warna ungu.
Mantap deh.
Ungu, I Love You
[bukan band ungu tapi WARNA UNGU makasi]

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