Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Little Confession From a Big Girl

Have I told you that I am 17 now? So yes I am already 17. What does appear in your mind if you heard '17'? Yes indeed, it means that 17th girls are already grown up. But some people think that we are still not mature enough. So I do hate alot for the people who thinks like this. I hate them!

In my opinion, everybody will be mature enough if they don't judge people by their own mind. They will be mature enough too if they can keep their madness for their own sake. For example if a mom was very mad to her child because the child made a mistake, she could say "It's okay honey, just promise me not to do it again.".

I just hate them :(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So I Looked That Young huh?

pokoknya gw nunggu cowo gw ngisi blog nya dulu baru gw yang ngisi.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Love You

Seems like we always says this words to the person that we love, the person that we care and the person that always spend our time with. Well, now we are talking about the country that we live in. We are talking about..


Gw dulu mikir Indonesia itu identik dengan bau, kotor dan sembrono. Gw mikir gitu soalnya ada banyak alesannya. Alesannya...
  • sampah ada di mana-mana!
  • banyak tukang ojek yang suka nyolek-nyolek coba!!@#$%^&*(*&^$#!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&
  • para koruptor berhamburan!
  • anak-anak Indonesia sudah muali 'berani'
  • dsb
So after I went home to my lovely country I felt that I have to change Indonesia to be better. I can do it! *I said it in my heart*.

Jadi cita-cita gw berubah dari diplomat jadi sosialis. Ehh tapi gimana dong? Sosialis kan ga dapet duit banyak. Bukannya gw matre ato apa yaa.. Tapi tuh untuk kebutuhan keluarga gw kelak. Walaupun nanti si calon suami bilang terserah mau kerja apa aja tapi tetep aja gw mau punya pekerjaan yang dapat menghidupi keluarga gw nantinya. Kalo si suami udah cukup yaa duitnya nanti untuk gw beli kebutuhan gw :D

Rencana gw nih....
  • Membuat metromini + mikrolet + angkot jadi ber-ac semua soalnya abang-abangnya pada ngerokok si jadi males kan?
  • Bikin ruangan untuk para perokok kea di Jepang gitu biar mereka rasain penderitaan yg lainnya rasain! Huhu.
  • Diadakannya penaneman pohon, setiap 1 keluarga 1 pohon dulu deeehh baru 1 orang 1 pohon.
  • Kalo ketauan buang sampah sembarangan denda Rp 100.000,00.
  • Dibikin zebra cross di setiap jalan raya depan sekolahan dan kalo bisa sih lampu merah.
  • Lampu merah semua diperbaiki terus ditambah camera biar yang nyerobot lampu merah ketauan.
  • Anak-anak terlantar di taro di tempat yang layak dan dijadiin satu, mendapatkan tempat tinggal, pendidikan dan makan.
  • Membawa nama Indonesia ke mana-mana!!!!
  • Dan berhubung gw d warnet dan waktu tinggal 7 menit lg so I have to goo reades *sook banget kea ada yg baca aja*
*mari bergabung :D

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Bday Luv!

Yup, ini dia hari spesial utk Nina. Krn d hari ini lah dia menjadi lebih tua satu tahun! omg! mungkin skr gw hrs manggil Nina nenek ya? "Nenek Nina.. Selamat Ulang Tahun yaa~". hha. piss.

hmm, tadinya gw cmn mo nulis kea gini doang, tp keany plain bgt setelah gw liat d blogne.. Jd, utk menghindari pengganasan Fans2 n Pengikut2 blog ini.. Gw ceritain "Gmn hari kita d hari yg spesial ini".

Jadi gw baru pulang latihan d skolah. balik2 pasti gw mandi, krn hr ini latihannya kea tahu. keringet gw ngucur kea mata air d Tangkuban Perahu. uhuh, kea tadi temen gw Hamidah a.k.a Siti a.k.a CTY or CITY, nepok punggung gw dan rasanya kea... *some text has been removed because it may cause some violation to some people (me)* jd ya, tu temen gw Hamidah a.k.a Siti a.k.a CTY or CITY langsung pergi menjauh dr gw. Sangat sedih rasanya, tapi.. "Life ain't goes like I wanted" <-- ternyata kata kea gini tuh emg F-ing TRUE!! n' yeah gw lanjut aja latihan gw. Abis latihan yg emg bner2 tahu capeny, gw ganti baju dan WOW! kulit *removed* kea udah d mandi minyak, rasanya basah, licin dan *removed*.

Trus ya udahny gw balik rmh, mandi, nyalain modem, nyapain kompi, tiduran, kompi dah nyala, login msn, n kaget seneng ngeliat cw gw ternyata onLane! dengan pantat pegel gw duduk di kursi beralaskan busa yang udah gak kea busa, gw baca PM doi, "nungguin kakang" ehh! gw kaget, trus gw tanya doi "dr kpn nungguin neng?", dan believe it or not, dia sama skali gak ngebantu nuruinin rasa kaget gw, dia jawab "UWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". gw kaget, gw nanya apa kok dia jawab laen. dia blg lg "lama beeeiibiii". And gw blg "sori", gw gak tau knp tapi gw emg ngerasa bersalah, ngebuat cw gw nunggu lama, disusul dgn berbagai alasan yg gw punya, trus dia ngomong lg "1 jam lg gw ol hehe". LHOO LHOO? perasaan gw td nanya laen deh? bner gak sih? terus sekali lg gw nanya dia "yaah drkpn?". doi jawab "1 jam yg lalu huhu (diikuti) aku menunggumu (disusul lg dgn) sayang". wah, emg keren bgt ni cw, puitis dan romantis gw blg xD. TAPI gw bales "drkpn lo nunggu?" ......................... gw sadar! kalo dia akhirnya ngejawab pertanyaan gw! dgn rasa salah gw berikan lg alasan2 gw. dan disusul dgn kata, "Happy bday luv :)".

Udeeh, abis itu semuany urusan privat, jd lopd gk bakalan gw kasi tau apa aja yg gw ma dia omongin. dah ah, pokokny gw gk mo tau ada Comment isinya "Apaan si yg lopd omongin??". gaak! pokokny gw gak bakal jawab Comment yg isinya ada ?*tanda tanya.

dan sekali lagi gw blg "Happy Bday to Nina, wish her to get ANYTHING she wants". and I Love You (*bukaaan, bukan ke elo2 yg ngebaca, tp ke Nina).


Monday, July 20, 2009

tinggi enak gak sih?

Well, atas requestny dr beberapa org yg menanyakan gw "tinggi itu enak gak sih?"; skr gw bakal kasi tau lolo pd, gmn perasaan,manfaat,kegunaan,enakny,feelingny,kerenny,pengalamanny gw tinggi apa & gmn aja, tp bkn yg bagus2ny aja yg gw bakal bahas tp gw jg bakal bahas apa aja yg gw gk suka dr tinggi.
*fyi, terakhir kali gw ukur tinggi gw yaitu 182.

Kegunaan jd tinggi: pertama-tama, perasaan gw soal tinggi; uwenak banget deh! gw ngeliat kebanyakan org tuh d bawah gw, jd gw ngerasa kalo gw itu yg plg super, hhe (Kira2 sepundak gw gt). Manfaat n pengalaman gw. Nih ya, kalo mo beli tiket bioskop yg 18++ gt, nah gw bisa beli! (walau gw waktu itu umur gw 15) gampang, tinggal suara di berat2in, muka cemberut n' sangar, pd gak nanya2 deh. Terus, kalo saweran duit receh pas kawinan, waktu kecil, gw tinggal angkat tangan gw tinggi2, terus lari2 kejar duitnye, tabrak sana sini. Juga baru2 ini gw balik dr ntn herri potter, balikny gw naek kereta, penuh banget! ampe gencet2an gw ama tmen2 gw, nah enaknya nih, gw kena udara AC yg lsg dr sumberny. gak kea temen2 gw yg rada pendek, kebagian panasny n' asemny bau ketek Tamil. Juga kalo ikut championship taekwondo, gw gampang nendang musuh gw yg gak seberapa tinggi gw.
fyi jg, gw pernah pergi ke singapur, gw liat org tinggi bener, kira2 gw cmn sepundak tu org, apa yang gw rasa? gw rasa awkward, deg2an, keteken, dll. gak tau knp, tp apakah itu yang org2 rasakan pas deket gw?

Gakenakny jd tinggi: waktu gw smp kls 2, gw sama skali gak bisa beli tiket buat ank2. buarangseks emg. padahal secara teknis, umur gw itu blom d anggap adult, temen gw aja yg lbh tua dr gw, bisa beli tiket buat children, gara2 dia PENDEK! iya, PENDEK saudara2! yaah begitulah gak enakny. Adajuga kalo gw lg maen petak umpet ama tmen2 gw d perumahan gw, gw pasti aja ketawan, dan kebanyakan gw jadi tukang nyariin tmen2 gw yg PENDEK! ya, PENDEK juga saudara2! menyedihkan memang, krn itulah, petak umpet bkn permainan kegemaran gw. Juga, gara2 tinggi, gw sering diminta nyokap ngambilin barang2 yg d taro d laci tinggi, dan ditaro d dalem. ngelapin rak2, laci, lemari es bagian atasnya; karena, nyokap gak sampe. Juga pas Jumatan nih, gw kan pasti duduk dengerin ceramah, duduk sila, gw rasanya makan tempat gt, krn kaki gw panjang bgt. rasa berdosa krn makanin tempat org yg seharusny bisa d tempatin utk beberapa jamaah. hha

yaa jadi gitu deh, kurang lebihny mungkin bisa gw tambahin ato kurangin. Kalo gw inget kejadian2 yg menarik, ntar gw tambahin deh. Jd ya itu aja dulu skr, moga2 ngejawab pertanyaan2 kalian/elo.

piss luv n' gauls,

Friday, July 17, 2009


So seperti yang Michael bilang, Dia adalah Admin baru blog ini.

Gw tau sih blog ini kosong comment huh sebel ngliatnya. Yang udah pernah ngcomment makasi ya makasih hehehe.

Jadi nih blog gw ama Michael bakalan sharing. Udah kayak makan aja di-sharing. Oh ya gw mau cerita dikit ya tentang gw d sekolah baru gw. Tapi gw taukut nih. Soalnya gurunya pada gaul-gaul dan takut bakalan kena gitu ama guru2 nya takyuuut deh. Masa tadi. Ehh gajadi deh. Mending ngomongin cowo gw daripada orang lain hehehe. Oh ya Bu Yusra said juga kalo ngomongin orang itu pahala kita bakal diambil ama orang yang diomongin so I will try not to talk anybody on my back. Lo juga ya sayang. Sayang siapa? Ya si sayang? Sayang yang mane? Tu tu lo yang lagi baca. Oi Michael oi! Apasih hoooh.

Jadi gw udah LDRan selama 8 hari. Hua rasanya tuh gimana yaaa. Rasanya tuh kea mencret dan setelah 'nongkrong' d wc ga keluar-keluar tuh fesesnya [bagi anak non-ipa feses adalah kotoran yang dikeluarkan melalui dubur manusia]. Sakit ga si kalo mencret yang begono!?!??? Pernah ga si lo!!?!?!?!? PERNAHKAH?!?!?!? *woo gw emosi abisan kangen ketemu pacar*. Gw rasa hubungan LDR ini [udah make 'hubungan' tapi buntutnya 'relationship' -_-] bakalan bertahan ampe ntar. Amien. Smoga ya. Doain ya. Minta sumbangan ya *ye ini mau ngapain si?*.

Ehh gila deh sumpah pokoknya gw kangen ama pacar gw deh sumpah. Gw mau kenalin cwo gw nih. Nama pacar gw tuh Michael Akbar Germania. Dia tuh orangnya sebenernya cooooooooooolll banget lho cuma setelah jadian ama gw dia jadi rame. Tau kenapaaaaaa? Karenaaa.. Karenaaa... Ayo tebak dooong :D Niiih ya gw kasi tauuu. Karena dia gamau kalah eksis ama gw hwehehehe xD. Yakan mike yakan ngaku lo ngaku :D Nah gitu deh. Orang cool ternyata bisa ya berubah jadi rame gitu. Gw juga kaget. Gw inget waktu lo taekwondo gitu maen homo2an haha xD Gw aj belom brani maen lesbi2an xD udah deh makin ga jelas kan xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Pokoknya I will wait for you Mike *lo lg beli mknan buat nyokap lo :D*

Pisss[o], loph en gayung. whatevah *Inggris version :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Admin baru di BLOG kaTamam xD

hmm, gw cmn mo ngenalin diri, nama gw Michael A Germania. Yg sekarang bakal ngebantu Mbak Tut* (nina) utk ngoprek2 blog doi.
gw bingung nih mo ceritain gmn gw bisa jd admin/journalist di blog ini, tp ya drpd lopd mati krn penasaran ya gw tulis deh..
jd gw lg tlpnan ma doi, trus gw blg gw lg baca2 blog doi dr pertama, trus ya dia tiba2 blg "mike, tulis juga dong cerita2 lo d blog gw. gw dah abis cerita nih, otak gw dah mo meledak gr2 msk kls 3 ini". So dengan lapang Dada gw blg "Ok, kasih aja ID n PASSny, biar gw urusin".

so yea, everybody welcome to say "Welcome Abroad Mate!". (ngarep)

peace, love, n gaulllss~

Friday, July 10, 2009

1 is Okay But 2 is Better

My boyfriend is at Indonesia from yesterday morning so I was totally lonely. I feel lonely because I used to hang around with my boy. He is like my bestfriend I think so. I wanted to do shopping, he'll go. He wanted to drink some coffee, I will follow him. He was hungry, I felt hungry too. I want to walk home, no bus, no taxi, he walked me home.

I was thinking that maybe I cant take it if Im taking this LDR thing.
LDR: Long Distance Relationship.


Long-distance relationship

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

long-distance relationship or LDR is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance.

Before the popularity of internet dating, long-distance relationships were not as common, as the primary forms of communication between the lovers usually involved either telephone conversations or corresponding via mail. However, with the advent of the Internet, long distance relationships have exploded in popularity as they become less challenging to sustain with the use of modern technology. Technologies including cell phonese-mailonline chatting and video conferencing have made it possible to keep in touch. Other forms of communication frequently employed by partners in long-distance relationships include:

[edit]Challenges of long-distance relationships

  • The partners in a long-distance relationship may be separated by different timezones, and therefore have scheduling conflicts
  • Communication can be more challenging due to reduced real-time feedback
  • Due to the distance, the other partner's behavior cannot be monitored so a higher degree of trust and security may be required
  • Physical contact and sexual needs may not be satisfied regularly
  • The possibility that the partners may become lonely, bored or grow apart

Because of problems that may arise due to the nature of long-distance relationships, regular communication is vital. Telephone calls, emails, text messaging and letters are viable options. Sharing intimate details of a partner's life, such as pictures and diary entries, also can help to keep a long distance relationship alive.

Each partner's view of distance may affect how the couple copes with the separation. If one is accustomed to absence in their family life, they may feel that the distance in the relationship is not a big concern. If one partner has had an experience in which someone in their life left and said they would return, but never did, that partner may see the long distance relationship as the beginning of the end. If it is one partner's nature to look in the long term, they may see the long distance relationship as only temporary. However, if one partner is accustomed to couples always being physically together absence may be beyond their experience.

Many individuals end up losing feeling for their significant other, because it is of human nature to have to feel physical, emotional, and sexual intimacy. While a meeting between the two may occur occasionally, the periods in between may create a sense of loss and induce several negative emotions, such as a feeling of abandonment, depression, and sexual frustration. A common vice is for one or both of the individuals to meet and become intimately involved with someone much closer to them geographically, but would typically mean the long distance relationship is over and they are moving on.



So Im goin back to Indonesia and my boyfriend will stay here. I thought that might be LDR thing will be easy like a peanut. But not that peanut until...

9 July 2009

(06.00 am) I woke him up but he already woke up and his preparing his bag.

(06.30 am) He left his home to the train.

(06.45 am) Already on the bus that goes to LCCT.

(08.00 am) Already at LCCT and told me that his flight will be at 09.50 am. He ate lunch at Mary Brown. He told me that its too late if Im trying to reach him.

(09.00 am) We talked on the phone.

(09.45 am) He said that he have to go to the waiting room.






Until today I havent get his text nor his call. I thought I was crazy because every single second I always looked at my mobile waiting for his name appeared on my phone. I tried to texted her sister too but no reply. I was thingking.. Can I do this LDR thing?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

gangguin ade gw xD

Hari terus saja berganti..
Ingin rasanya aku berlari..
Tapi ke mana tempat untuk hati ini?
Apakah hati ini suci?


Jadi gini lho hari ini gw puas banget hehe. Tadi pagi gw online make laptop ade gw. Laptopnya si Amor nih. Gw bangun jam 6 soalnya yang laen pada masih tidur jd gw bisa online tanpa hambatan apapun [hambatan: disuruh, diajak ngobrol, laptop mau dipinjem dsb]. Udah gitu si nyokap ngajakin beli oleh-oleh buat sodara-sodara gw yg ada d Indonesia..

Nyokap: "Nin.. Ayo beli oleh-oleh.. Ayo!"
Gw        : " Iya bentar ya Bu"
30 menit kemudian...
Nyokap: "Heh! Ayo! Daritadi 'iya iya' tapi ra dilakoni. Ayo!"

Akhirnya dengan perasaan amat sangat malas karena lebih mementingkan online daripada membeli oleh-oleh untuk sodara gw ke kamar trs ganti kaos tapi ga ganti celana. FYI, celana yang gw pake itu adalah celana olahraga smp lho yang sedengkul. Nah gw pake bekas 139 hehe.

Nyokap: "Apaan kok pake celana itu?! Ganti ahh ganti!"
Gw       : "Laah emang kenapa? Cuma mau k pasar doang"
Nyokap: "Kayaak.... Oraang pasaaar kamuuu"
Gw       : "Ya kan emang mau k pasar"
Nyokap: "......."

Akhirnya gw ganti ama skinny jeans acid gw yang Topshop...

Gw       : "Masa k pasar make Topshop siii"
Nyokap: "........."

Terus kita nyari-nyari taksi gitu akhirnya mau k GM. Udah nyampe d sna barang-barangnya tuh murah-murah. Kalo beli satu emang mahal. Tapi klo beli borongan misalny 6 ato 12 bisa setengah harga. Jadi gw beli jam mobil-mobilan dan ultramen dan masih banyak lagi untuk sodara-sodara gw. Udah keliling-keliling kita makan d Tar. Abis itu balik deh.

Lamaaaa... Gw kan bosen tuh. Gw sms cwo gw. Eh dia ga bales. Gw telvon. Eh dia ga angkat. Ga lama dia nelvon trs bilang...
Cwo :"Kenapa?"
Gw   :"Kangen"
Cwo :"Sama"
Gw   :"Lo lagi d mn?"
Cwo :"Lagid jalan nih"
Gw   :"Oh yaudah deh daaah"

Udah gitu gw tidur2an d kamar nyokap. Ga beberapa lama ade gw dateng mau ikutan tiduran tapi sambil maen DS nah nah naaaahhh!!!!!!!

Nyokap :"Yaaahh Diim!!!!!" ^$#!@#$%^&**&^%$#

Kacamata gw ketindihan dengkul ade gw. Nah dimas kan kalo setiap ngelakuin kesalahan pasti dia takut banget tuh. AKhirnya dia nangis seadanyaa. Dia pikir dengan nangis, nyokap gw ga bakal marahin dia. Eh akhirnya nyokap gw nelvon bokap mau minta dianterin benerin kacamatanya. Ade gw langsung ngluyur k kamarnya, masih dengan nangis.

Gw   :"Hayoo loooo. Mami kalo mukul sakit lhooo"
Ade  :"........." mata berkaca-kaca..
Gw  : "Mami kan kalo maraah mukulnyaa bisa nembus ampee k tulaaaangg" xDDDD
Gw  : "Mamiiii.. kalo mukul Dimas jangan keras-keras ya mami" [sok-sok treak k nyokap].

xDDDDDD Hahahaha gw puas gilaa sumpa. Maafin gw ya de. Abis lo juga suka iseng. Terimalah balesan keisengan lo dee xPPPPPPP

P.S. Gw ga pernah manggil nyokap gw as 'Mami' xD

Thursday, June 18, 2009


OMG! OMG! I was trying to log in to this web blog last week but i found out that I can not log in because I had typed the wrong email or the wrong password. I was like... "OMG! OMG!! OMG!!!!". Gosh.. I thought I was goin to scream after I tried again.. and again.. and again.. I failed again.
Hmmm.. I got lots of story here in my mind but my lil brother which is not my lillest brother [because he was born on 94 and my lillest was on 99] wanted to borrow this computer because my laptop is on a service :( so we gotta share every second and I hate it.
Well my lesson today is dont kidding to much with people. I will share it after I get a chance. *damn. Why dont I just be the richest girl in town so after I clapped my hands three times [like in the movies, you knooooww] then my wish will come true. Haha.. Too much to dream of anyway -_-

Friday, May 22, 2009

Let Me Share This Whole New World With You

Finding the word 'New' in the English Dictionary Online :
10. other than the former or the old: a new era; in the New World.
bef. 900; ME newe (adj., adv., and n.), OE nēowe, nīewe, nīwe (adj. and adv.); c. D nieuw, G neu, ON nȳr, Goth niujis, OIr núe, Welsh newydd, Gk neîos; akin to L novus, OCS novŭ, Gk néos, Skt navas


My Boyfriend said that everybody changes.
Well, I hate to hear that but the fact is yeah.. everybody does.

I remembered the first time I arrived at Indonesian School of Kuala Lumpur. I was a tomboy that time, a pure tomboy. I hate dresses, I hate pink, my hair was punk-rock, I never wear earings, I played with boys, I even dont like to gossip with girls. I was thinking that gossiping is just wasting life o_0. O yeah.. That time I hate boys too. I mean not that I hate playing with them but I dont trust love, boys or love [yeah already mentioned it at the first :D].
Now days [heleh gaya xp] Im totally a girl. 100% warranty I have changed. I love to wear dresses everytime I go somewhere [not with my girls because they dont like it ], I love pink because it it beautiful [wow! Yesterday I thought that was the the most ugly color in the world :p], my hair grow longer and longer ang longer and I dont know when I will cut it, I wear cute earings wings, I play with the girls everyday and even gossip with them all the day and now tatararaaaa.. I gotta boyfriend! I trust him so much and I am so in love with him *sounds familiar but yeah thats the way my heart is". So yeah everybody changes.
I got a friend that had been annoyed by her friend because she got a bla bla and bla. OMG I hate to heard that because I even been in that situation. C'mon it is hard to choose even in this life we gotta choose but c'mon I just hate a kind of person like that! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! :D Well now Im okay. I just act like I dont bla bla and bla. You should have known that you are not my mom or my dad or my everything that can tell me to do that and this. I will even never trust you anymore! Yeah. IN YOUR FACE!
Oyeah now I am more oped too. I never thought that I would be friends with teachers. But now lets just see this conversation :
Mr. Inton : "Nin.. You're gonna be the leader for the team of the ceremony next Monday"
Me : "Are you crazy?!"
Mr. Inton : "Nin.. You will be the leader"
Kavi : "You are the one who's crazy"
Omg omg.. Didnt mean to called you crazy, Mr :D.

A Whole New World - Aladdin And Jasmine

Friday, March 6, 2009

Love is Till The End

Pogues - I Love You 'till The End

I just want to see you
When you're all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I can't escape
I love you 'till the end

I just want to tell you nothing
You don't want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why don't you just take me
Where I've never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you 'till the end

I just want to be there
When we're caught in the rain
I just want to see you laugh not cry
I just want to feel you
When the night puts on it's cloak
I'm lost for words don't tell me
All I can say
I love you 'till the end
I dedicate this song for my fams, Michael, Ka Iin, Ka Irna, Ka Via, Ka Shasha, Ka Ratna, Empire, VII-8, acrodelate, kaka kaka gw semua, ade ade gw semua, temen temen gw.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

8 hours isnt enough

How many minutes in 8 hours? Let's see. . .
8 x 60 = 420 minutes.
And how many seconds could we get?
420 x 60 = 25200 seconds

[read the second part if you hate long things]
It was [maybe] the dumbest thing I've ever done [and I DONT regret it, tho I wanted to do it more and more and more]. Ask my boy to have a date just two of us. Before this day, we never hang out just the two of us, we usually hang out with our friends. I never think about it because my mom not allow me to do it. She said that a girl have to be like a girl [Ummm. . . Having a boy doesnt mean that she is a girl, ey?]. So the story begins. . .

Thank God, my school make a Maal Hijrah thing so I have a reason to hang out with my friends [1st plan]. FYI, I like fooling people, so the target that appeared in my head was my boy. I ask him to hang out just with me. He even ask me what should he wear and that was so sweet because most of boys wont ask their girls about what should he wear to hang out with. I was thinking that on the day, I will tell him that I was just fooling him. But then. . .

Today is the day. Thanks to God again, Maal Hijrah thing happen today. But I was late. The Maal Hijrah thing started at 08.30 but I came at 10.00. Nice Nina, nice. After entering the hall's door, I chated with my friends. We laughed, we talked, we teased people and lots of great things we did. Ka Gesha read a poem and her sister played the biola. It was such a great duet. So does the 4 boys from social class, they did the band. Not bad for Chaidir and friends. Then till the end came by. It was over. We were told to take the cakes outside the hall. Then. . .


It was me or the time slowed down? We [the kids that came for Maal Hijrah thing] already went out to get the snack at 11.30 but we [me+ka Irna+ka Via+Michael] walk to the KTM [the time that started to be count]. We met ka Ratna and ka Andre there. So we all were together till we were already at Midvalley's station. Me and Michael then heading to the cinema before trying to find the necklace that we wanna buy.
We picked Bedtime Stories to be our 1st movie today [WHAT 1st?!] We laugh from the movie started till the end. Great that Adam Sandler can act like himself so he dont have to act hard *my opinion. Oh yeah. That was the first time I ate salty popcorn at Midvalley's cinema. GREAT!
Then when we were trying to find a place to eat, I was thinking how about one more movie. So we walked again to the cinema and we picked Tiren, Indonesian movie. Quite good. And scary. And making our heart beating fast. We yell every change we got. Haha because the movie was just so noisy. I hate Dewi Persik and who other girl that tryin to be sexy that played at that movie? Oh yeah! Ayu Azhari. They think, with their body or their everything they can get what they want. Dumb B!
Then the third movie was Yes Man! Great dude! This movie makes us laugh and laugh and laugh. Jim Carrey just so great! There's about trust, romance and adventure in that movie. Hilarious!
So thats 2hours x 3 movies = 6 hours we were in the cinema.
I remembered a face! A face that I would never forgot! It came again, again and again in my mind! I cant get rid of it! If it try more, it will still be there! My lovely mom's face. Thats a sign that I gotta go home soon. So when we were heading to the Midvalley's KTM station, the hall was so full. I mean it. Really full. The line was about. . . 5 meters? *maybe :D I was thingking to ask someone to buy our ticket but Michael said that its not that nice so we tried to find a taxi. But the line was too long too. So we go there and here. There and here and found a taxi that wanted to get us to KLCC *before that, none of the taxi want to*.
Here we are at KLCC. We were searching Roti Boy store but before finding it, we found Delifrance first, so we went there to buy some snack. Cant wait to eat the bread, we forgot to buy the drinks. So we went to Roti Boy and we bought 2 mineral waters and 1 new milky bun. So we gotta find a place to eat those crumble. Thats why we were headingto the stairs. We sat here will chating a bit till. . . A security came and make us to find another place. So we sat near by the bus station. He started 1st. He mention that this day is our 1 month from the day we've been together. He was hoping that we will last till next next next day. I was hoping more so I was touch by his words and I feel something burning my heart because I'll move to other country next 5 months and maybe Im gonna miss him damn so much fakin because his hard to find, no one cant be like him, he has no compare and uooh I cant say it with words and maybe you ever felt like this before. Then he asked that my brother were and I answered at Topshop and he asked me to go there.
And you know what? I feel a bit something missing after doing things with him but gotta separated with him because our home direction is different.It feels like my heart was taken by someone and I dislike feeling that. So we said goodbye when he have to go to the station and I have to go to the Topshop.


*love to treasure time with him :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

my brothers

I got 2 brothers and I love them!
I mean. . .
yes I got two brothers but the 'I love them' part I lied xDDD
I got two brothers and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!


So my first brother is Galih Nidyasmoro or we usually call him as Amor. He is is taller than me, has a dark skin [sorry bro, mine is tanned =p], his hair is as thick as Dochi's [new selebrity] and he is not good at reading people's feelings, like mine. He was born on 21st January on 1994. He is taller than me, tho [Gee, I wrote it twice]. He take piano lesson so maybe thats why we was hired on SIK's band, main band of our school to play his synthesizer [A synthesizer (or synthesiser) is an electronic instrument capable of producing a variety of sounds by generating and combining signals of different frequencies]. He likes to buy T-shirt which are sells by clothing line booth. I bet they all are cheap but they ain't bad. I like him when he wear a shirt [that he bought from clothing line booth], straight line jeans [not skinny!], and his damn sexy nike SB sneakers. The greatest thing that I ever spend my time with him is when he wanted to hang out with my friends. I never dare to do that with hims but maybe someday I'll try, my brother.

My second brother is Aldias Ananda Setyanto or you can call him as Samid. Ehehm. Flip the letters backside and you will find Dimas on it. Yeah he is Dimas. He was born on 8th March at Chicago [I forgot ur year when u were born honey =p]. He has hair [of course], I dont know what model is his hair, big stomach [u fat! :D] and a nice smile. My mom said that when Dimas was a baby, he smiled at everybody who came near to him. What a nerd. Maybe I was laughing when everybody got near me. What a devil. He like doing great things that we never done it before such as dancing in front of lots of people, dancing when a song can hear by him and record by himself while he was doing shake-dance. Yeah shake dance. He even asked me to join him. But he's a great partner to record things. I mean REALLY GREAT!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

1 minggu pertama

  • Senin : 1. Ga belajar kimia soalnya Pak Dwi ga masuk x) 2. Fisika kita langsung belajar bab baru; daya. Huft padahal kita udah ngalihin pembicaraan dengan nanya "liburan Pak Kun ke mana?" eheheh 3. Seni Budaya ditugasin minggu depan disuruh bawa laptop. Yaampun kurang kerjaan banget si nih guru. Tapi abis itu Pak Enda keluar kelas. Nah saat itulah w ngambil cake ke Secret Recipe. Buat apa? Buat. . . 4. Untung aja Pak Robani sibuk jdnya bisa ngasih surprise ke Michael. Pacar gw kaget lho gw liat ekspresi dia. pas gw bawain cake ny Seneenggnyaaa x) DIa ulang taunnya sih tanggal 4 Januari tapi kan 4 Januari tuh Minggu T.T
  • Selasa : 1. Komputer kita disuruh ngpain yah? gw lupa wakak xD 2. dikasih tuga sngrjain soal yang ada di buku. Gw-ka In-ka Vi-ka Ir-ka Sha-ka Rat ribut sendiri hahaha x) 3. Fisika seperti biasa, melanjutkan bab yang kemaren trs dkasih pr gw. Haduh gw blom ngrjain ni x( 4. Biologi seperto biasa disuruh nyatet ama Pak Ahmad.
  • Rabu : 1. Huaaaaa seneeeng abis soalnya olah raga jam pertama. mantep klo keringetan jd ga bau. Kita pelajaran basket. Gila semua yang maiin! 2. MTK kita ke bab lingkaran. ngerti ngerti 3. Ka rena Bu Ati sakit perut jadiny ga belajar deh. Jam kosong lagii asiiik :) 4. Jerman dbagiin photo copy-an gt 5. Paling gaasik karena sejarah cuma 1 jam = 45 menit. KNP?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  • Kamis : 1. Pkn kita belajar tentang HI. Masa depan gw eheheh 2. English kita disuruh bikin drama huaa mangstab. Oiyaa Ulangan jangan lupa hari kamis! 3. Biologi nyatet lagi nyatet lagi 4. Pak Dwi masuk lagi pas pelajaran kimia jdnya setengah jam kita minta untuk motivasi xD
  • Jum'at : 1. Mtk masih bab lingkarang 2. Bahasa Inggris kita bagi2 peran. Cerita dari Jantur dan Menur 3. Agama Islam Pak Amrizal cerita2 ttg Palestina>
*Kegiatan tambahan: Selasa: basket, Kamis: nungguin Dimas E-count, Jum'at: dukung The Amateurs [Amor dkk] (:

Friday, January 2, 2009


gw uda capecape nulis panjangpanjang tentang apa yang udah terjadi di taun 2008 ehh ga sengaja ke close dan pas gw cari d draft malah draftnya gada! mongkimonyongmongkimonyongmongkimonyong!

can't forget about 2008's things

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